This Spiderweb Craft will blow your minds!

Fall is here and with it comes an abundance of craft options!

This fall craft can be taken outdoors if you don’t have the option to paint inside.

Or – if you don’t like messes inside of the house (and that’s okay)!

Although we used fall tones in our Spiderweb Craft, your littles can use whatever colours they like!

Joey is super into fall colours and loves to mix paints to get different shades of purples and oranges.

While waiting for our Fun Fall Spiderweb Craft to dry, Joey is the one who gave me the idea for a great addition to this fall craft!

We were both feeling a little spooky and decided to add some foam spiders!

Can you tell that we love this time of year?

What Do We Need?

In order to create your own Fall Spiderweb Craft, here is everything that you will need:

  • Large Piece of Paper/Cardboard
  • Masking Tape
  • Large/Medium Paint Brush
  • Paint (Red, Orange, Yellow, Purple)
  • Paper Plate (to hold your paints)
  • Mason Jar With Water
  • Paper Towels

Spiders (Optional):

  • Black Foam Sheet (Construction Paper works too!)
  • Black Pipe Cleaners
  • Scissors
  • Pom Poms
  • Glue

Now that you have your supply list, here is what you need to do!

  1. Tape your paper to the ground, you’ll need it to stay put!
  2. Create a spiderweb using your masking tape.
  3. Have your children paint every triangle/shape in different fall colours!
  4. Wait for the paint to dry – but not fully! I find the tape peels off easier and cleaner this way!
  5. You should be left with a cool, unique fall spiderweb!

Spiderweb Craft Spiderweb Craft Spiderweb Craft Spiderweb Craft Spiderweb Craft Spiderweb Craft

IF you choose to make the spiders for this Spiderweb Craft, they are super easy to make!

  1. Cut two oval shapes out of the black foam/paper and glue the head on to the body.
  2. With the scissors, carefully poke 8 holes into the spider’s body.
  3. Cut up your pipe cleaners so that you have 8 legs per spider.
  4. Glue on white or red pom poms for eyes.

TikTok Video

Check out our TikTok Video showing you the entire Fall Spiderweb Craft process below!

Decoration Ideas!

We taped our Fall Spiderweb Craft to our front door.

When children see their artwork hung in the house, they feel proud, accomplished, and respected.

I encourage all of you wonderful parents and caregivers to do this with their fall crafts around the home!

It’s a wonderful reminder of your child’s developmental skills and accomplishments.

It’s also a beautiful way to decorate for this lovely time of year.

Enjoy the fall my lovely readers!

TKM xo

You can find more fun crafts here!

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