Krafting with Snow!

Who doesn’t love to play in the snow??

Even better, who doesn’t love to play in snow that won’t make your hands cold?

I found this recipe years ago while studying to be an ECE.

It’s easy to make, takes only 5-10 minutes, and the ingredients are probably sitting in your pantry! It’s also a fun activity to get your children involved in as long as there’s an adult to help with the cooking portion.

Once the fake snow batch is complete, I store it in an airtight container for about a week or two. I throw in whatever add ins my little guy wants – construction vehicles, cars, cups and spoons, or some of his favourite toy figures! The last time we made fake snow, he only wanted half of a dinosaur egg, a spoon, and a Paw Patrol character. 


If you want to keep your kids even more engaged with the fake snow, try making snowmen! We have made them before – just add a separate tray to your sensory area of small rocks/pebbles, sticks, and cut up pieces of fabric (for the scarves of course) and have a Snowman Making Competition! See what wonderful types of snowmen they create – kids are so imaginative and will come up with some amazing results.

The possibilities are endless. I find this recipe yields just enough for one child/bin, so double it up if you have to!

Alright, let’s get to it!

You will need:

*1 cup baking soda
*1/2 cup cornstarch
*1/2 cup water
*1 tbsp vegetable oil

1. Throw all of these ingredients together in to a saucepan. On low-medium heat, constantly stir your mixture (which will go from thick to liquid in no time).

2. After about 2-3 minutes, the mixture will start to thicken. Keep stirring! Once the entire mixture forms a thick dough, dump it on to a silicon mat or wax paper to cool.                                   

3. Once cooled, you’re ready to play! The dough breaks into snow, but can also be formed into shapes with your hands/moulds.

Try adding a drop of lavender essential oil for older children to create a calming sensory activity!

Have fun and let it snow!



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