What's in a Blog?

I plan on discussing anything and everything mom-related on my blog, from breastfeeding and what worked best for me/my children, to DIYS, toddler behaviours (what methods helped us out when trying to work through those behaviours), recipes, every-day occurrences (both comedic and stressful), and more.

What I really want to help with, moms/caregivers, is getting through this time period. We are all stressed out to the max. We are all feeling overwhelmed. We are exhausted. But most importantly, we are nervous and scared about putting our kids back out into the world. Their health and safety especially during Covid is our number one priority. But the truth is, most of us need to work, and that means sending our children to school.

My three year old, like your children too I’m sure, has been affected by Covid and having to stay home. With a newborn especially, my husband and I were very scared having to send our son to daycare during this second wave of Covid. But here’s the issue – some days, the same routine and playing with the same toys while I tend to a newborn is boring to him. Therefore, we see some negative behaviours pop up every so often. I know being at home all the time is not as exciting as his school routine, but what are we to do?

I’ll tell you. If you’re in the same situation with children at home during Covid, especially young children, try not to stress yourself out about this so much. As long as children are in a safe, loving environment, they will thrive. As long as you are doing your best to provide activities, materials, and hey let’s face it – some time watching educational videos on their tablet or television, they will learn! We are navigating our way through a pandemic with children who used to go to school or head out every other day to the park, to the mall, or to a friend’s house for a playdate. My kids are not even able see their grandparents because of Covid right now. Covid is affecting all of us. But we need to keep pushing through because some day, we’ll be able to have our mommy dates again without worry. We’ll be able to feel safer about sending our children to school.

This is the reason why I’ve created this website. When you feel like you are lost and aren’t sure what to do with your children, hopefully a craft/DIY or one of the products I’ve posted about will help you and your family out.

And just as important, I hope you can come to this website to relax and wind down with a warm cup of tea or coffee.

Let’s get through this together.
