Teething can be so painful.

Red faces, swollen gums, and lots of tears. I have seen so many moms asking for teething remedies for their infants, and fortunately, I have one trick that worked every single time for my little guy!

Let’s face it – teething stinks! For our little ones, for us, for sleep!

Joseph had a nasty time teething when he was younger. I will never forget our second family trip with him to Florida to visit my parents. The poor kid was in so much pain because he was cutting two teeth at the same time. He was such a good sport however, as he barely said a peep on the plane ride there. I made sure he had my magic travelling companion for him (click here to see the link to my travelling hack) and of course, many, many snacks.

My little guy was exhausted when we landed. After arriving at our destination, we were waiting in line with everyone else before being screened by security.

Joey’s cheeks were bright red from teething. He was miserable, and rightfully so. He was crying in pain no matter what we did to try to help. All I could do was try to calm him with my voice, offer kisses, and snuggle him with his favourite stuffy.

None of that worked, so he continued to cry. His teeth were really bothering him.

As a first time mother, I was so nervous about the people around me. What kind of mom did they think I was? Were they upset with us because I couldn’t keep him more calm?

There I stood, my face red. I probably looked panicked, mostly because I was! I was helpless and upset at the fact that I couldn’t make my son’s pain go away.

I offered him his bunny, his teething cookies, and his milk. He refused everything. I was so nervous that someone would say something. And someone did.

“Babies cry you know. It’s not a big deal. Jeez…calm down. It’s not the end of the world”.

Now, I have to say that I normally do not respond to negativity. But in that moment, as emotional as I was because of what my son was going through, I snapped my head around and saw a middle-aged woman with her hands on her hips. I know my glance spoke volumes because after seeing my face, she immediately changed her tune: “I mean, he’s so adorable…” As calmly as I could, I explained to her (with many people staring at us) that my son was cutting two teeth and that the redness in his face was proof of his pain. I turned around and didn’t acknowledge anything else that she had to say.

I talk a lot about refraining from judgement with mothers. This is another great example.

When our kids are in pain, so are we. And sometimes we can’t handle it as well as others.

Moms go through a lot. We are always looking out for our children, and I hope the lady from our trip realizes that sooner or later.

If you’re ever put in this situation, my advice to you is to keep breathing and push through. We all have to go through teething, and while it’s not fun, our job as a Mama Bear is to offer different teething remedies like frozen washcloths, teethers, or my favourite trick: Frozen Banana Slices!!!

If your child does not like bananas, do not worry! Offer whatever fruit they like instead (frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries), but bananas sure do the trick!

I used to give Joey frozen banana slices in different food feeders. They are wonderful, wonderful soother-like feeders that always took the edge off of that nasty teething pain! I will share the link to these amazing feeders down below.

I purchased two different kinds (one silicone and one with a mesh soother piece), but Joseph seemed to love the mesh feeders the best!

Our newest little addition, Theodore, is currently 4 months old and is teething as well. As soon as he’s old enough to eat bananas, I will definitely be ready with this great teething hack!

He already loves practicing by chewing on the silicone feeder.

All the best with those teeth!


P.S. Additional Mommy & Doctor recommended treatment for teething: lots and lots of cuddles! xoxo

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